40 Business and Life Lessons I Have Learned Along The Way

Two days ago, I crossed a significant milestone - I turned 40 years old.

This was a big one, stirring up a mix of emotions I'd never experienced before.

Suddenly, I felt something.

I never had this sensation with my previous ones, but this felt different.

The whole week before my birthday felt that way.

It's a mix of sadness, anxiety, gratefulness, and anticipation mixed with ice and a nice little umbrella, like one of your favourite drinks.

I couldn't be more proud and grateful for where I am.

But most importantly, I couldn't be more lucky to spend my life with the people I'm surrounded by.

My wife, my daughters, my close friends, my LinkedIn community, my clients, current and past, and you, who have been reading my blog weekly, have played a significant role in shaping my life and my journey.

The last two years have been the most transformative of my life.

They have been a period of immense personal growth, where I've learned, fallen, evolved, and become a better version of myself.

Probably the most transformative in the last ten years.

Leaving the corporate job and starting my own business has been my best - hardest - decision ever.

I embarked on this journey with determination and am proud of this decision every day.

However, working in corporate/full-time for 15+ years has also been crucially important to being where I am today.

Then, as Steve Jobs said in one of his most famous speeches, the actions and decisions I have taken were all right, looking back.

My dots are connected.

And all is peaceful.

Since I posted this on social media yesterday, I have received dozens of comments and messages.

Reflecting on my journey, I thought I would share - with you - 40 business and life lessons I have learned.


  1. Let your job be what you do best. Play your strengths.

  2. In a heated moment, listen to your words before speaking them out.

  3. The broader you go, the less you get. Serve a niche.

  4. Work where you feel energised.

  5. Put your phone away when your kids are around.

  6. Surprise your partner with an unexpected hug.

  7. If you are good at something, help others, expect nothing in return.

  8. Travel alone a few times per year to reconnect with yourself.

  9. Time is running out. Spend quality time with your parents.

  10. Focus on the individuals to grow your team.

  11. Build a network of trusted people you can go to if in need.

  12. If you wake up worried about your job, do something.

  13. Recognise burnout signals. Stop before going down.

  14. Work out 3x / week.

  15. Listen to classical music for deep work.

  16. Write something every day at the same time.

  17. Live your life with someone who completes you.

  18. Fast once per week for 24 hours.

  19. Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you.

  20. Work hard at the beginning of your career to work smarter later.

  21. There is no sales if there is no value.

  22. Coach your team relentlessly.

  23. Build a diverse team.

  24. If you are too comfortable, enjoy but then get uncomfortable.

  25. Spend time with people who are different than you.

  26. Live abroad for some time.

  27. Do something you have never done.

  28. Focus on the strengths. Do not fix the weaknesses.

  29. Do not waste time with negative people.

  30. Turn phone notifications off.

  31. Read five pages of a book every evening.

  32. It's ok to make a decision with limited information.

  33. Challenge directly, care personally.

  34. Learn something new.

  35. Try to build a passive income.

  36. Pay back your mortgage before you turn 50.

  37. If you want something, ask for it.

  38. Be around kids.

  39. Track all your achievements at work. You will need them later.

  40. When you feel it's too much, take a walk outside, no phone, just fresh air.


I hope you enjoy it and can take it home with you.

Thanks for reading this far. I will see you next week.


From Founder-Led Sales to Your First Sales Team. How to Master The Transition.


The Firing Playbook. How to Apply Compassion and Structure During The Difficult Times.