How I built a professional brand that brought me 80% of my revenue

Today, I want to discuss professional brand.

Last week, I talked to one of my newest clients and we were discussing outbound.

One of the team members asked the CMO about LinkedIn ads and how we could generate some leads through it.

The CMO went on and checked the company page. There were 3K followers.

So, she started brainstorming about how we could run some ads on Linkedin.

I stopped them and pulled the profile of the founder of the company.

No profile picture, wrong headline, nothing.

I did the same with the top sales rep's profile.

Same results.

I went on and on.

You may even spend the money on Linkedin, but you are going nowhere without your team's professional brand.

But we are leaving back out for a second our companies or employer. Let's talk about ours.

Building my professional brand has been the main driver for my business.

This year, almost 80% of my little business's revenue comes from inbound referrals around LinkedIn.

People knew who I was before signing with me.

That decreased my sales cycle by 50% sometimes and increased average deal size consistently.

People trusted me before even knowing me or talking to me.

However, 90% of professionals have a limited or poor professional brand.

Even entrepreneurs or people aspiring to launch their businesses sometimes need more of an online presence.

I have worked at Linkedin EMEA HQ for four incredible years, and if I learned one thing is:

Your professional brand is more powerful than anything else.

But how do you build one?

Looking back at mine and my close, tight and powerful 5K people community on Linkedin, here is what I have done and what you can do.

To summarize in two simple yet powerful actions.

  1. A stellar LinkedIn Profile.

  2. Post consistently adding value to your community.

Simple? Kind of. Let's go in order.

Build a Stellar LinkedIn Profile

A few steps are needed to build your profile:

  • A profile picture and a cover page. Use a professional photographer.

Linkedin Material

  • A strong headline: talk to your prospects and tell them what you can do for them.

  • A powerful summary. Be you, this is the space for you to talk more freely and explain how you can help your prospect.

Linkedin Material

  • A brief yet crucial explanation of each job you have done and a more comprehensive one for your current one. Show results, achievements, and milestones.

Linkedin material

Remember to keep in mind only one person: your prospects.

If they land on your profile, what do they see? And do they understand what you do and can do for them?

Add Value

The second and most important step is adding value to your community.

I post (almost daily) something that adds value to my prospects.

Again, I have them in mind.

I posted +200 times this year, and with this newsletter (49th edition), I have given free content almost daily.

Not only posts or emails but also processes, frameworks, and free templates.

I built a reputation on this; people have been using and loving this content.

Build your audience and serve them with your knowledge.

If you know something, write about it. Tell the world.

They are reading even if they don't engage. Give it out.


This year, 80% of my revenue comes from referrals, inbound and my posts on Linkedin.

I wouldn't be here without my professional brand.

I could have only done what I did with my audience.

Start building right now.

The world will be thankful, and you, indirectly, will see the benefits right away.


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